Good data helps African countries to make the best development policy decisions

Reliable statistics and analysis boost the effective implementation of development programmes to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Data and statistics are the lifeblood of development planning. Reliable statistics and analysis boost the effective implementation of development programmes to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Accurate, high-quality, timely, disaggregated and accessible data enhances development planning by providing useful and understandable information critical to knowing the development metrics of a country.

Owing to a lack of capacity and poor investment, many countries in Africa are challenged by inadequate data and insufficient statistical analysis to make data-driven policy decisions to support social and economic development.

The eighth meeting of the Statistical Commission for Africa will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from October 24-28, 2022 under the theme “Modernizing data ecosystems in Africa to support regional Integration”.

It brings together participants from across Africa including Heads of national statistical offices, statisticians, geoinformation system experts, information and communications technology experts, academia, research institutions, regional and international development partners as well as observers from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

Organized by the ECA under the guidance of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission for Africa, the meeting will discuss the link between African and global statistical systems to ensure Africa is not left behind in global statistical initiatives.

In addition, the meeting will discuss progress and statistical development in African statistical systems while taking stock of current global initiatives to mainstream new and updated methodologies to enhance their statistical capacity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Statistical Commission for Africa is the highest decision-making body in Africa responsible for setting statistical standards

Particular emphasis will be placed on how to modernize and transform national statistical systems in Africa to ensure data needed for subregional and continental integration and global agendas are available.

The meeting is also expected to share methodologies for modernizing statistical systems and strengthening collaboration between statisticians, and geospatial and civil registration experts.

The Statistical Commission for Africa is the highest decision-making body in Africa responsible for setting statistical standards, developing concepts and methods and implementing them at the national, subregional and continental levels.

Representatives of the Forum on African Statistical Development, the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Africa and other initiatives report on their progress through the Statistical Commission for Africa.

The meeting will also feature a number of events such as the tenth meeting of the Forum on African Statistical Development and the Takwimu Programme launched in July 2021 by the African Center for Statistics and the ECA to develop young statisticians in Africa.

Furthermore, the meeting will incorporate the eighth meeting of the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Africa as well as the expert segment of the sixth session of the Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration.


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